Healing Hotels of the World

Monday, November 22, 2010

Graceful Ageing

Some say, that aging only happens in our mind and we actually do not get older. As much as I admire this philosophical approach towards a process which guides us from day one to zero, there is a matter of fact here. When the First Lady of your own government could be your daughter, when you are the oldest in your yoga class, when you catch yourself admiring babies and small children more then you used too – your are definitely not getting younger.

But check this out: this year I went on a detox to one of the Healing Hotels in Thailand. The Chinese doctor at Kamalaya compared the results of my health test to the ones two years ago. And he could not get over the fact that everything had improved and he felt that I had actually grown younger!

How can that be? It surely makes a huge difference, if we do not allow stress to eat our happiness, if we eat well, if we carry out our daily fitness activities and – in my case – daily yoga and meditation. But the main thing - I believe - is the fact that I have developed a nicer relationship to myself. It is said that the way we think about yourself creates our inner happiness. 

You may call this grace!

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