Healing Hotels of the World

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Winning myself over again…

The Persian poet Rumi said: “...it makes absolutely no difference, what other people think of you...

How true. But it makes a huge difference what we think about ourselves!
It happened today in my yoga session in the outdoor pavilion at the beautiful resort Castel Monastero in Tuscany/Italy. I was doing my yoga postures only with half of my usual attention – my mind was busy worrying about this and that and murmuring over some negative ideas about myself and my life. My yoga teacher, a lovely but strong willed lady from Malaysia, told me to concentrate on my breathing and focus on the sweet early morning sound coming from the birds and the wind. Soon my mind calmed down. All of a sudden my mind stopped: there was only stillness and peace inside of me. No thoughts at all. I felt every cell in my body vibrating. It was divine.

Towards the end of the session, I started wondering, why am I doing this – beating myself up again and again. Why do I even entertain my mind with negative thoughts about myself, why putting so much pressure on me? At this moment, I felt a shift inside – it was like some part of me was standing sweetly and warmly beside my own inner being. There was me and my new friend, myself. It was a soothing and healing moment. I knew in an instant, that everything was perfect. I was perfect and the world around me was perfect too. I did not need to become better. All I needed was there – me and myself. I was my own protection, my own audience and I was pleased with myself.

From this place of complete contentment, I could enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the Tuscan landscape. Everything was shining, beautiful and crystal clear. I finished my yoga-session with a new energy and zest for life.

It is said, that true contentment is not about getting what you want, it rather comes from being in contact with your inner Self knowing that everything is good and that at the core of your own being you are perfect. When you are happy and content with the one who you truly are, you are able to see the world from a different place. I truly cherish those moments of deep inner satisfaction and I know that I have to keep working on getting there again and again.

But it is worthwhile – try it out…

Monday, November 22, 2010

Graceful Ageing

Some say, that aging only happens in our mind and we actually do not get older. As much as I admire this philosophical approach towards a process which guides us from day one to zero, there is a matter of fact here. When the First Lady of your own government could be your daughter, when you are the oldest in your yoga class, when you catch yourself admiring babies and small children more then you used too – your are definitely not getting younger.

But check this out: this year I went on a detox to one of the Healing Hotels in Thailand. The Chinese doctor at Kamalaya compared the results of my health test to the ones two years ago. And he could not get over the fact that everything had improved and he felt that I had actually grown younger!

How can that be? It surely makes a huge difference, if we do not allow stress to eat our happiness, if we eat well, if we carry out our daily fitness activities and – in my case – daily yoga and meditation. But the main thing - I believe - is the fact that I have developed a nicer relationship to myself. It is said that the way we think about yourself creates our inner happiness. 

You may call this grace!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Think Good of Yourself

It is exhiting to share my thoughts on health and wellbeing with others. As the owner and founder of Healing Hotels of the World, I am constantly in contact with people seeking holistic wellbeing and people offering holilstic wellbeing.

Healing has been my passion for over two decades and Í am amazed about the many ways how we all can better our lifes. And it does not take ages to do so and it can be fairly easy.

What I practise daily for instance is to make sure, that I think well of myself.